How to get a straighter line in yoga Standing Splits

Have you done the work to build your front splits, and now you’re wondering how to translate that into a straighter, more vertical standing splits? I’ve got you covered with this video :)

0:00 - Intro

0:14 - DRILL: Standing Splits at Wall

1:31 - Standing Splits Sequence for success.

The take-aways:

- Get Lower to lift Higher

- Lean forward more than you think

- Reach forward to prevent tipping forward

- Open your hip. Let the voice of your yoga teacher telling you to square your hips fade away.

- Lifting the top leg straighter is mostly strength.

Imagine ripping your top leg out of its socket, and work to straighten the leg and touch the ceiling. It’s an activation that will serve you well, not just in Standing Splits, but plenty of arm balances and inversions.

NOTE: You can tell I’m super tired here. This was right after my injury before I had a diagnosis on a day when I probably should have been resting. You can’t keep a good woman down :)

I hope you find this information helpful! If you did, a nice thank you would be to tag me on Instagram with your progress, and share this video with people you think it will help.
